Friday, November 25, 2011

Muka sombong

Muahahaha, tajuk saja je nak cari pasal, nak kasi org paling muka menyampah -_- tapi tu la hakikat, bila org jumpa aku. Mula2 tu nak tegur payah. Kita pun bersedih-sedih la, ingat org x nak kwn kita sbb kita ni tak ada hidung ke, mata ke. Tapi x perasan yg sebernanya muka tu mcm baru ditampar malaikat.

Bila dah kenal terbongkar la, eh igt dulu kau sombong gila! bla. bla. bla. Alaaa biasa la kalau org judge kita ikut muka buku. Macam kita x pernah buat mcm tu kat org. Sebab tu sekarang ak lebih banyak reflek diri sblm tunding jari kat siapa2.

Tapi. tapi kalau org yg kwn kita kt fb mintak bbpin? how? ottoke? bak kata org korea, nak kasi ke? kalau x kasi snob ke? just how snob to be consider snob?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

it it boys things?

you know how us girl always feels safer when there is boys /mans in the house? or not? okay whatever.

here I am at a certain resort, where i have to go for practical training. resort tu x ad masalah laaa, mmg okay semua. just sbb dlm hutan and nak tgk main road pun jarang2 :'(

Kebelakangan ni hujan pulak, segala creepy insect mula la tunjukakn diri.. so nak dijadikan cerita, semalam ad lipan jln atas badan ak okay, jerit mcm kena histeria. huh ;( lpt tu ak baling, terus hilang. cari punya cari x jumpa!

Lepas tu kat luar bilik terjumpa lipan yg lagi besar, i call it bapak lipan yg ak campak tadi, huhu! semua org jerit punya jerit. nasib baik ada kakak tu yg selayaknya ak pggl superhero menyelamat kan kitaorg. pendekakn kan cerita, she killed it! we are safe. no need boys ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good bye 3 years of awesome experience

Title paling panjang haha. I've done it, my 3 years diploma at Uitm Penang. It was funnnn, I met great. great people who become my closest friends, lecture2 yg best and fun and hilarious and helpful okay, too many 'and' but the point is, I've met great lectures.

I'm going to miss it, all the funny and hilarious moment. the useless talk until morning. the gossip, the lepaking time ;) Serius dah start rindu sekarang. The list is endless. Aku juga akan rindu kolej Intan, where I spent most of time. bilik dia yg serba merah.. ni mesti Eric Leong jd interior designer.

Still I have one more semester, which is Industrial training. Aku pilih Swiss Garden Damai laut, Golf and Spa resort. Nervous sebab ak sorang2 je bdk batch aku yg pilih situ. Tapi I'm going there to learn might as well take advantage of it.

it feels empty

I'm going to miss everyone maybe, just maybe even the people I dislike

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nafsu Raya

tiba lagi masa yg dinanti2 kan selepas sebulan berpuasa (ecece.. mcm puasa penuh)
galak betul, puasa x penuh tapi persiapan raya bukan main lagi -_- b'pasang2 baju... b'mcm2 fesyen. Uish. tak boleh jadi ni, sepatutnya makin tua (did I said that out loud?) makin matang tapi nafsu raya lagi hebat.

Dah boleh dah stop mintak mcm2, eh tapi..tapi kasut raya x ada lagi ^_- kena beli la kan? kan?

saja nak kasi sneak peek of my raya cloths. But I really need a new shoe! Am i being too much?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bad mood

1. tarik nafas dalam2. works every time.

2. dengar lagu, x semestinya dgn volume yg kuat. lagi best kalau lagu tu suit your mood; baru layannnn

3. agak cliche, tapi ambil wudhu' and solat memang dpt menenangkan fikiran yg kusut.

4. DON'T BE ALONE, serius kalau lepak sorang2 layan perasaan; sure2 otak kita fikir bukan2. baik lepak dgn kwn2. Tapi kalau kwn2 tu pulak yg sbbkan mood down, lepakla dgn org lain. asalkan x sorang2

5. Make yourself busy, ye la kalau kita konon2 busy tak ad la fikir benda g x spttnya fikir. kan? kan?

6. cari quotes yg gempak2. At least that's the way I did it. quotes yg show your emotion. kalau kita x dpt suarakan ap yg t'pendam,luahkan la dgn cara lain.

7. Memandangkan raya nk dekat, mesti ad kat bazar ramadhan yg jual mercun. huhuhu, ak pilih mercun pop2 bila rasa tension blh baling2.

8.Tulis, x kira la kat kertas atau blog sebegini. luahkan ap yg terpendam.

These are few of my ways to get rid of stress/tension/horrible mood atau apa2 je la yg korang panggil.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Proud owner of..

Yeah, I did it! the header tuuuu. hahahaha I did it with paint, i know. i know cute right? lol deal with it; i like it okayyyyy

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

kata Hikmah

Teringat zaman kecil2 dlu, suka sgt baca kata2 hikmah yg b'tampal2 di dinding sekolah, konon rajin membaca. Sekarang nak baca signboard pun malas. Boooooo =.=

saja nak copy and paste satu quote kat sini:

"Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada.
Basic bitches wear that shit, so I don’t even bother." — Anna Wintour

Please siapa x tahu anna tu siapa? shhhh jgn angkat tangan, malu -_-" she is editor for Vogue magazine :) and kalau korang tgk devil wears Prada, cerita tu base on her laaaa

sbb tu la ak x layan sgt jenama2 mcm niii. hahahahaha

Nice Guys

remember my rant about nice guys? sini.sini! huh, short tapi straight to the point kan? kat sini ak nak mengukuhkan hujah2 ak yg lepas. Found this awesome2 Video! youtube star, chestersee bersama-sama dgn Nigahiga (sumpah cute ^^) and Kevjumba yg x kurang cutenya. walaupun video ni b'sifat humorous, lirik dia sgt ak sukaaaaaa.....

I think I might falling for Kevjumba!!!!!! ak mmg sucker for chinese looking guy -_-" okkkk, ini lirik dia:

Nice guys finish last,That's why I'll treat you like trash,It's not what I really wanna do.But, you only date bad guys so,I'll give it my best try to,Treat you the way you want me to.
I never open a door, or pull out a chair.You can tell me how your day was but I don't really care.And if you ever get cold, you'll just have to hack it,Cause I'd be cold tooIf I gave you my jacket.Like WHOA, you ain't sittin up front,Front is for the homies you can sit in the trunk.I never answer my phone,Whenever you call itAnd when the waiter brings the billI never reach for my wallet.
And Ima BEAT you!At every competition.Going out with the girls You better get my permission.Wait no, i take that back, you can't go,House is on tonightAnd that's my favorite show!Do I look fat in this dress?Hell yeah you do!Wait lemme speak your languageCows go Moo!Mooo Moooo Mooo MOOOO!
But behind the scenes she means the world to me.Wanna tell her that she's beautiful, and show her that she's loved.Hold her hand when she's scared, tell her how much I care...But that won't win her heart BECAUSE....Nice guys finish last...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

how to make your calf smaller

Do you know in your body part calf is one of the hardest part to slim down! true story! jadi dapat bayangkan tak betapa ssh nya ak nak mengecilkannya? It's not like I had been working my ass off, tapi slps google it, and read story about people yg nk kecilkan calf dia, i found it is a hard job and I hate hard work!

This is the result of some of my research (cecece ayat paling saintifik)
1. Keep your heels down and avoid walking on the ball of your foot.
2. RUN to slim calves and reshape legs. Run slower, but for longer distances
3. Pilates is an excellent tool to shape and elongate your calves, legs and body.
and here I think the easiest one, consider the fact that I hate exercising!
4. Ankle circles moves: Sit on a chair, with your back straight and firmly against the back of the chair. Slowly circle your left foot clockwise. Do this six times. Then repeat counter-clockwise six times. Repeat the exercise with the right foot.
and many moreeeeee, ada siapa2 yg mengalami masalah dgn betisnya seperti aku? join me!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stating a fact

ini betul!!!! kalau kat kelas nmpk kawan2 yawn, mesti t'yawn sekali betul ke? waaaaa tp yg lbh penting is the marriage lasts? Please, everyone know this! kan? kan? rasanya kalau warna hijau, org pun x nk minum kot? penting ni, tips2 nak take picture ;)

Tak pasti fakta2 ni betul atau tidak, but it's fun :) and... kind a informative. Memang dah boring sgt ni, adik2 semua keluar tgk Harry Potter bersama kwn2, sbb kan dh tgk x ad la join sekali.. sbb tu la juga rajin sgt update blog.

*tumblr pictures*

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Growing up: from potterhead point of view

Rasanya, semua org membesar kot? ok. ok. kecuali peter pan and the lost boys :) but the main point is kita semua membesar... and dlm masa tumbesaran tu (alalala tumbesaran? bunyi sgt comel) there are a lot of things yg akan sama2 m'besar. Contohnya Harry Potter T____T but in this case, Harry Potter is going to an end. Like really end, finish, tamat, fin!

Boleh dikatakan, aku membesar dgn cerita ni. Harry Potter 1st movie, was when i was 10 years old. I can remember clearly bila ak 1st time tgk iklan dia kat tv. I'm not that interested tp my sister beria-ia nk tgk. then she bought all Harry Potter books. since ak masih x berapa blh baca sbb it's in english (btw dia x bg kitaorg pegang pun buku2 tu), she read and told us (me and my little sisters) the story and just like that i fell in love with the story :)

What a memory kan? walaupun ak tak dpt tgk Harry Potter and The deathly Hallow Part 2 ni masa 1st tayangan sbb ak ad test (dammit) T^T sedih gila, tp life must go on, tgk hari ke-2 pun ok kan?kan? byk part yg ak nangis, but mostly ak nangis through out the movie sbb ak tahu bila ak habis tgk, Harry Potter akan habis.

Btw, Harry Potter is like my 1st real crush ok! I even sleep with his poster book in my hand. Feels like a grown up now! hahahahaha, ok nak sambung nangis.

credit to tumblr for pictures


Baru je blk drpd U utk mid term (t'senyum lebar) rasa lega dpt blk dgn selamat. Janji dgn parents nk blk t/hari tapi atas sbb2 t'tentu t'paksa blk lewat sikit, so smpi rumah pun dh mlm. dlm kereta lagi mama, dah assign kerja yg perlu dilakukan dirumah -_-" x sempat nk rehat, tp itu adalah perlu kalau nk survive dirumah. semua org ad kerja masing2

Malam dirumah mmg best sbb ad TV. Huh, mmg hantu tv sejak kecil! mama pun dah give up try nk separate us ;) sambil2 membasuh baju, HBO tayangkan cerita Carrie. Carrie adalah box office movie pd thn 1976, cerita yg bergenre teenager/horror adaptasi drpd novel Stephen King.

Movie ni pasal Carrie white ad telekinesis power, bila dia mrh atau emosi t'ganggu cthnya time PMS, dis dpt gunakan power dia. Carrie ni s'org yg misfit kat sekolah dia mcm loner la. but one day ad s'org hot jock ni ajak di pg prom. dr sini mesti mcm tipikal teenager movie kan? tp x la sgt, so kena baca or tgk movie utk find out la ;)

Tapi ak suka la tgk movie ni, I mean, it's a good movie :) people should watch it and realize how disastrous, bullying can be!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah

For the sake of updating my precious blog, I decided to blog about anythingggggg, even if it's happened century ago ;) it's just, ak dah buat keputusan utk tulis blog, sbb ak nak something consistent in my life, because I hardly do something for a longggg time sbb ak seorang yg sgt cepat bosan. This blog is FOR ME. untuk ak baca semula ap yang dah ak buat, reflect things that i had done :)

okay, melalut panjang gilaaaaa. tajuk lain, tapi type benda lain :P saja tiba2 terasa bangga jadi Malaysia, oleh itu nak promote tmpt2 menarik yg pernah dilawati. This time it's Malacca. kalau korang ni selalu dgr cikgu ckp time kelas sejarah mesti korang kenal sgt dgn melaka.

I went there few times this year. sbb kerja la mostly, Melaka; terutamanya Bandaraya Melaka is veryyyy beautiful. ak suka sgt. the city? is kind a small but full with beautiful places to visit and a lotttt of museum to go. Most importantly great shops to shopping. I love it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Nice boys are yummy :)

Ok, mengaku once upon a time, ak pun pernah rasa bad boys are more attractive, bla bla bla... tapi bila umur dah menginjak dewasa (tak tua ok) ak mula ubah perspektif ini.. itu pun lps byk dengar pengalaman org2 yang lebih b'pengalaman.

mari ak quote kan ayat wise people yg ak pernah dgr..

girls are stupid if they think they can turn a bad boy into a good boy. because the truth is they can't. the boy will probably change for a while but the change is not forever.

geddit? geddit? sumpah ak percaya gila dgn quote nii. that's why skrg ak prefer nice boy. Hati x sakit, relationship pun bahagia je :) sometimes tu ad la gaduh2 biasa la gaduh2 manja tapi tu je la ;)
sbb serius, nice boys are yummy okkkk!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just an entry

looooooooong time peeps...
pffttt sbb lama x update I'm just going to put anything. please bare with me :')
As usual, malas nk rotate pictures...
went to TS... sbb nk pergi mystar. my sisters practically begging me to go there -_- malas nk layan, so pergi laaa. In the end, mystar tu tutup. Luckily for her my patient for that day s'tinggi gunung everest. Kalau x confirm2 dia x selamat..

Ktorg sempat pergi ke foodcourt dia sbb nk rasa Korean food yg halal. And we got ourselves, Dubboki, Ramyun and Kimchi. The taste is... how to explain eh? I guess it's because I'm not use to it. I'm not diggin' the taste.

tgk tarian naga.. hahahaha so korang blh guess bila ak pergi TS ni, x mcm s'century ago?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Tahu2.. dah t'lambat umtuk tulis pasal cuti, sbb tggl lagi 2 mggu je. but I decided to write it anyway. Sebab, cuti pun x lama (Uitm I'm judging you -_-') jadi ak rasa ak telah cuba untuk manfaat kn sebaiknya :)

start2 cuti je, aku dah ad kerja! yeay.. I really need it sebab handphone sumpah tggu masa nk dikebumikan je, so kumpul duit beli baru. I work at my mom school as a koperasi girl hahaha, jaga koperasi sekolah
je, lebih kurang mcm jaga kdi runcit je. Kerja pun senang gaji pun blh tahan :)

Rasanya cuti ni la paling banyak benda nk buat, jumpa girlfriends. boyfriend. Shopping. melawat new places. Pendek kata laaaaaa

Also help my boyfriend survey Malacca and sightseeing bersama dia. Hahahaha, but main point pergi Melaka utk kerja okayyy jgn salah sangka.

This holiday is tiring and fun.
precious picture ni ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1st Avenue, Penang

Yesterday was a fun day and tired too ;) So my bf and I went to 1st Avenue Penang to watch movie. Mula plan nak tgk at Beaniepleax, tahu ap itu Beanieplex? it's a cinema where it has this huge couple couch. Okay sgt excited nak duduk kat couch tu but end up disappointed sbb rupanya Beanieplex tu show 1 movie, 1 week. So this week is a chinese movie :( sbb x sure movie tu best ke x we decided to watch at normal cinema and we got to watch RIO :)

Still happy, sbb RIO sgt best. Sila tonton! Jesse Eisenberg sgt cute. Walaupun hanya m'dgr suara dia je ;) 1st Avenue ni shopping mall yg sgt2 baru so shop pun x byk. Tp dia ad banyakkkkk sgt bench, and TGV dia ad sedia kan bnyk sgt sofa utk customer... so my bf and I just sitting there watching a lot of trailers yg ditayangkan di TV. Btw kat 1st Avenue ad the 1st Cotton on everrrrrr kat Penang. yay!!!!!!

Siapa2 yang x pergi lagi sila pergi sbb 1st Avenue ni serius cantik. Bangunan dia pun terus sambung ngan Komtar and Perangin mall, so you guys blh mcm terus pergi sana tanpa perlu lintas jln semua. Yesterday pun I went Camera shop, survey harga lens utk Nikon D3000. Plan to buy it sbb boleh la tangkap gambar bf main rugby kat padang... hahaha ok, gedik.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can Money really make you happy?

Just a thought... I had this conversation with mama before and she gave me an answer that I think quite logic. She said it's depends on what you're looking in life. Is it money? or love?

My bf, once asked me, kalau ak kahwin dgn lelaki tua gila but surely Kaya nk mampus, would I like it? during that I time mesti la ak jawab, Happy la! then he said, what if he is too old to remember your birthday? and I said, it's okay, I can buy myself a present using his money ;)

But now.... ak dah jumpa bf, and kami bahagia laaaaa *malumalu* ak rasa duit tu x penting lagi. Memang there are certain things that we can't do because of money problem tapi I'm surely happy as heaven :)

Aku lagi suka kalau lelaki tu rasa dia perlu bekerja keras untuk jadi kaya untuk ak, instead of using his parents money to buy me things. That's why for now, I'm quite sure with what I have now is enough. Tapi... for now la, ak x sampai lagi tahap mcm, kalau x ad duit tu x dpt makan sbb kalau rasa je x ad duit terus call parents ;)

P/S: don't follow my lead okayyyy

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is hufa!!!! cute little tortoise that my family had for years now!!! I'm the one who snap this pic! cantik kan? kannnn? *filp hair*

I don't really consider myself as animal lover, okay mmg la ak suka binatang, tak suka kalau nampak kezaliman terhadap binatang, and if they are injured I wanted to help, but trust me that is not enough to call yourself an animal lover!
If you.... dislike? okay bukan dislike la, tp mcm tak boleh pegang binatang yg you consider geli sabagai contoh katak? ular? (no offence you guys :') tu kira diskriminasi terhadap binatang mcm tu tau!!!!
Tapi right now I'm going to talk about animals that I want to adopt as my pet... banyakkkkk sangat, antaranya

this cute baby hamster!!! I once had a whole family of hamster. But then mama decided to sold all of them. Sebab dia sorang tak larat nk jaga. My little sisters and brother refused to help tsk..tsk.. T_T
This Beluga Whale!!! Ok2 tau la impossible gila nk bela kan. Tapi whale ni boleh buat it's own bubble, call Toroidal Bubble Ring!
someone do tell me what is this cute creature name!!!!
Bf kata this is red Panda yg hanya ad kat China and protected animals! Lagi mcm impossible kannnn
And.. and... this cute little Porcupine!!!! Nak sangat!!!! dah survey harga porcupine ni kat pet shop. It's freaking RM 250 ;_;

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kill heels

I'm so into high heels right now!!! No idea why @_@ okayy tipu, I know the reason just feel it's inappropriate to share it here! nonetheless post ini adalah khas utk my craving for heels T_T

Antara sebab2 heels penting dalam hidup.
1. Boleh perasan tggi. walaupun hakikatnya my height is only 155-156 cm ;_; I know, i know it saddd
2. Nampak lebih kurus! okayyy ni sumpah x tipu, tadi try heels kat vincci; sumpah nampak lebih kurus.
3. Sebab heels sgt hot. Nak! nak!
4. and reason yg ke-4 cannot be stated. walaweyh gila misteri reason ke-4 ni ;)

Nampak kan sbb2 kukuh heels penting dlm hidup ak? nampak kannnnn?

nampak x yg model tu pki? that's the one that I've been dying to get my hands on T.T
(picture from


Rasanya perkataan ni well known kot among girl and maybe boys too. Apa2 pun PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome ni mmg sinonim dgn wanita.

Emotional symptoms are always present, and in PMDD, mood symptoms are dominant.Substantial disruption to personal relationships is typical for women with PMDD. The cardinal symptom—always surfacing between ovulation and menstruation, and always disappearing within a few days after the onset of the bleeding—is irritability. Anxiety, anger, and depression may also occur. The main symptoms, which can be disabling, include

  • feelings of deep sadness or despair, possible suicide ideation
  • feelings of tension or anxiety
  • increased sensitivity to rejection or criticism
  • panic attacks
  • mood swings, crying
  • lasting irritability or anger, increased interpersonal conflicts. Typically sufferers are unaware of the impact they have on those close to them
  • apathy or disinterest in daily activities and relationships
  • difficulty concentrating
  • fatigue
  • food cravings or binge eating
  • insomnia or hypersomnia; sleeping more than usual, or (in a smaller group of sufferers) being unable to sleep
  • feeling overwhelmed or feelings of being out of control
  • increase or decrease in sex drive
  • increased need for emotional closeness

Common physical symptoms include:

  • breast tenderness or swelling, heart palpitations, headaches, joint or muscle pain, swollen face and nose
  • an altered view of one's body - a sensation of 'bloating', feeling fat or actual weight gain
Di atas tu adalah antara symptom2 nya. Seperti biasa la kan copy paste drpd Wiki. Mari ramai2 jerit I LOVE WIKIPEDIA!
Semalam jalan2 dgn bf, sbb nk dinner sama2. I was telling him that aku x selera nak mkn. So bgtahu la dia maybe because I'm period kan, I mean what else the reason? sbb selalunya ak sukaaa sgt mkn, tp few days ni nmpk mknn pun x bernafsu -_- bila ckp je mcm tu, my bf was like, wah smua nk blame PMS kesian kot. kalau PMS tu manusia dia mesti sedih. HAHAHA! wahai bf, kalau PMS tu manusia dia mesti the bitchiest bitch alive

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rugby is a rough sport!

Minggu lepas? or 2 minggu lepas? not sure la, I went to rugby game. Hajat nak jadi cheerleader utk bf *blushinglikecrazy* so lepas je dgr ceramah. Yes! hari tu ad ceramah, terus je pergi tgk tanpa tukar baju. So pergi game tu dgn pki bju kurung gitu. Macam ayu la konon -_-

I didn't expect that the game is going to be so rough. I mean, tau la rugby kan, mesti la mcm dangerous bagai, still tak tau plak mcm tu punya ganas T_T I watched my bf kena tackle? and mcm2 la, I don't know the terms they use in this game.

Sambil tgk, sambil menyorok belakang put, sbb dah x sanggup nk tgk :'( tapi
berbaloi kot. sbb team that I cheered, won. Yeay! and he got best player title (ni mesti sbb ak dtg, *hair flip*)

I saw they did this (I had nooo idea why)
and thiss

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diggin' Maxi Skirt look.

Ada siapa2 tahu mana nak cari skirt mcm ni?
atau macam ni?
or begini rupa ;)

serius mahu pakai skirt sebegini bersama wedges, heels or boots. Tapi tak tahu nak cari kat mana :(
sangat nakkkkkkk
ish, susah betul jadi org banyak kehendak ni ;(

Thursday, April 7, 2011


cari picture neutral kat google, ini yang jumpa. fail sebagai s'org blogger OTL

To anyone who thinks they want to be "neutral" should know what it mean first.
Neutrality is the absence of declared bias. In an argument, a neutral person will not choose a side.

A Neutral country maintains political neutrality, a related but distinct concept. Macam biasa, aku copy and paste :') maksud ini drpd my lovely wikipedia. This is from social science view. Okay sila pay attention pada, ayat di atas.

A neutral person will not choose a side sudah di bold kan untuk lebih nampak! Mesti mcm, what the hell la minah ni tiba2 nak membebel pasal benda ni. Saja nak taip apa yang terbuku dihati. Sebab jelas sekali this is my blog, sukahati la nak taip apa pun kan?

Kalau dah nama pun neutral terang-terangan tak boleh choose side. Kau boleh dengar dua2 belah pihak punya cerita tapi kau jgn nak komen ke, defense pihak lawan ke apa ke, maybe kau boleh betulkan kalau cerita tu terpesong jauh. Tapi ingat tak boleh defense.

Bila kau perli satu pihak dpn pihak satu lagi, KAU DAH TAK BOLEH KATA KAU NEUTRAL. M'lainkan kau ni betul2 bebal la. Dah kau guna ayat yg saja2 nak sakit kan hati satu pihak, lps tu kau kata kau neutral? orang lain yang x ada kena mengena pun siap tanya, kau side mana? kau sokong si dia ke? Jelas disini menunjukkan yang kau FAIL sebagai seorang yang sepatutnya NEUTRAL.

Aku tak kisah kalau kau nak choose side, I'm used fighting alone (okay tak ada kena mengena). Cecece, ayat nak paling gempak. Tapi jangan sibuk la kata kau neutral. Dah elok2 ak x marah kau terus rasa mcm nak ish.. tak blh nk ckp la.