Sunday, July 10, 2011

Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah

For the sake of updating my precious blog, I decided to blog about anythingggggg, even if it's happened century ago ;) it's just, ak dah buat keputusan utk tulis blog, sbb ak nak something consistent in my life, because I hardly do something for a longggg time sbb ak seorang yg sgt cepat bosan. This blog is FOR ME. untuk ak baca semula ap yang dah ak buat, reflect things that i had done :)

okay, melalut panjang gilaaaaa. tajuk lain, tapi type benda lain :P saja tiba2 terasa bangga jadi Malaysia, oleh itu nak promote tmpt2 menarik yg pernah dilawati. This time it's Malacca. kalau korang ni selalu dgr cikgu ckp time kelas sejarah mesti korang kenal sgt dgn melaka.

I went there few times this year. sbb kerja la mostly, Melaka; terutamanya Bandaraya Melaka is veryyyy beautiful. ak suka sgt. the city? is kind a small but full with beautiful places to visit and a lotttt of museum to go. Most importantly great shops to shopping. I love it.