Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can Money really make you happy?

Just a thought... I had this conversation with mama before and she gave me an answer that I think quite logic. She said it's depends on what you're looking in life. Is it money? or love?

My bf, once asked me, kalau ak kahwin dgn lelaki tua gila but surely Kaya nk mampus, would I like it? during that I time mesti la ak jawab, Happy la! then he said, what if he is too old to remember your birthday? and I said, it's okay, I can buy myself a present using his money ;)

But now.... ak dah jumpa bf, and kami bahagia laaaaa *malumalu* ak rasa duit tu x penting lagi. Memang there are certain things that we can't do because of money problem tapi I'm surely happy as heaven :)

Aku lagi suka kalau lelaki tu rasa dia perlu bekerja keras untuk jadi kaya untuk ak, instead of using his parents money to buy me things. That's why for now, I'm quite sure with what I have now is enough. Tapi... for now la, ak x sampai lagi tahap mcm, kalau x ad duit tu x dpt makan sbb kalau rasa je x ad duit terus call parents ;)

P/S: don't follow my lead okayyyy