Wednesday, October 26, 2011

it it boys things?

you know how us girl always feels safer when there is boys /mans in the house? or not? okay whatever.

here I am at a certain resort, where i have to go for practical training. resort tu x ad masalah laaa, mmg okay semua. just sbb dlm hutan and nak tgk main road pun jarang2 :'(

Kebelakangan ni hujan pulak, segala creepy insect mula la tunjukakn diri.. so nak dijadikan cerita, semalam ad lipan jln atas badan ak okay, jerit mcm kena histeria. huh ;( lpt tu ak baling, terus hilang. cari punya cari x jumpa!

Lepas tu kat luar bilik terjumpa lipan yg lagi besar, i call it bapak lipan yg ak campak tadi, huhu! semua org jerit punya jerit. nasib baik ada kakak tu yg selayaknya ak pggl superhero menyelamat kan kitaorg. pendekakn kan cerita, she killed it! we are safe. no need boys ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good bye 3 years of awesome experience

Title paling panjang haha. I've done it, my 3 years diploma at Uitm Penang. It was funnnn, I met great. great people who become my closest friends, lecture2 yg best and fun and hilarious and helpful okay, too many 'and' but the point is, I've met great lectures.

I'm going to miss it, all the funny and hilarious moment. the useless talk until morning. the gossip, the lepaking time ;) Serius dah start rindu sekarang. The list is endless. Aku juga akan rindu kolej Intan, where I spent most of time. bilik dia yg serba merah.. ni mesti Eric Leong jd interior designer.

Still I have one more semester, which is Industrial training. Aku pilih Swiss Garden Damai laut, Golf and Spa resort. Nervous sebab ak sorang2 je bdk batch aku yg pilih situ. Tapi I'm going there to learn might as well take advantage of it.

it feels empty

I'm going to miss everyone maybe, just maybe even the people I dislike